This was true love. They had been to a hospital, had their blood screened, pap smears, semen samples, they had done all the tests, and the diagnosis was unanimous. It was clinical true love. The trouble with love this pure is that tolerance develops at a sickening rate. It all starts with eye contact, and steadily moves to touching, hugging, hand holding, kissing. From there to insertion and intercourse, at greater frequencies with smaller intervals in between. But it doesn't stop, and withdrawal gets more worrisome, with cold sweats breaking out from even the slightest lapse in closeness, and panic attacks whenever direct eye contact is lost. The doctors were stumped, and suggested therapy, but the thought of sharing their intimacy with another was unbearable, and mutual jealousy kept the issue from being explored further. Then, as one of the doctors was pondering the problem, the solution presented itself as a pair of conjoined twins walking together in the park. The two lovers agreed it was the only way to achieve a higher level of closeness and so the attachment surgery was performed immediately.
For weeks the two lived with jubilance and complete contentment at their new arrangement.
But then came the cravings to know what the other was dreaming...