"lets turn up the ampage on his brain a bit." The doctor, somewhere out of vision, suggests.
His finger tips turn to mush and he's bleeding static.
His formless hands try to hold on to a railing, but the fingers(?) just gum together and the bar slips from them. He tumbles into the vibrating landscape and can't find his legs, just some mutual appendages hanging off him. Steadily, his body is blurring together, disrelating itself to itself. He watches as parts of him shift into other parts and he has become a disjointed sack of things, helpless in the hallway.
"Hmmm, I'd say that was too much..."
"Oh I agree, let me get him back up here."
He can feel knobs being turned, and a crust starts forming on his body, gradually hardening into legs and arms and feet and hands. Soon he is a self again. Not himself, because everything is brand new. But he can point, and be pointed at, and given that, what needs are there?